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O Ato Conjugal Ebook Reader

O Ato Conjugal Ebook Reader

By on. ( )Today is the first part in the series A Guide to Ebooks series for.Part 1: What are ebooks? Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Books. Ebook Formats. How to Read an Ebook: Devices and Dedicated Ebook Readers.

Applications to Read Ebooks on the iPhone / iTouch. Where to Find and Buy Ebooks. Where to Find Free Ebooks. Learning ResourcesThe official definition of an ebook is:“ ebook.


O Ato Conjugal Ebook Readers

Noun a book composed in or converted to digital format for display on a computer screen or handheld device” –“e-book. Hi, folks.My husband (David Dvorkin) and I are both authors. We now have most of our 20 published books in ebook format via Smashwords.com and Amazon.com. On the same sites, you can find three wonderful books for children by Brian K. Nash; I am his editor. We all love this new format.Smashwords lets you download 50% of each book to try before you buy. They also let authors set their own cover prices; almost all of our books are just $2.99 each.

Smashwords pays 80% of the cover price in royalties four times a year, and Amazon pays 70% monthly. That compares VERY well with traditional publishers.Publication on those two sites is free if you can do the rather technical formatting and your own cover design; David is a tech writer and programmer, so he had no trouble with that. He and I also offer editing and cover design services to other authors.Brian Nash has been blind from birth, so David designed his covers, too. Brian also tells us that ebooks are quite blind-friendly, given that they can be read aloud by the machine.So, with the low prices for the books, the ease of downloading, the ease of publication, the high royalties, the saving of paper, and many other advantages, I really do not see what there is to dislike here. To us, it is no wonder at all that ebooks are taking off like a rocket. They deserve no less. Dvorkin, Denver, CO.