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Netbackup Cannot Connect To Robotic Software Daemon

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  1. Error Cannot Connect To Daemon
  2. Netbackup Cannot Connect To Robotic Software Daemon Windows 10
  3. Netbackup Cannot Connect To Robotic Software Daemon Windows 7

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I'm trying to start NetBackup BusinesServer FP6 on RedHat Linux 7.2.I keep getting this error: Cannot connect to the NB-Java authentication service on (server) on the configured port -13722.Exception: java.util.NoSuchElementExceptionException message: nullWe're running PAM and have made several configuration changes to our server as mandated by our HQ office. We're also running TCPWrappers, but I changed the /etc/hosts.allow and hosts.deny files to accept the login from NetBackup. Still not working.Can anyone steer me in the right direction to find the solution to this?This error isn't very descriptive, and it takes a lot of time to run down every possibility.Thanks in advance; I appreciate any ideas/help.

Can the host ping the ACSLS server, and vice versa? Are there entries in thevm.conf that specificy the ACSLS server? What version of ACSLS are youusing, Netbackup?CSIHOSTNAME = SSIHOSTNAME = -Original Message-From: veritas-bu-admin mailman.eng.auburn.edumailto On Behalf Of Donovan, ChrisSent: Monday, November 28, 2005 12:10 AMTo: veritas-bu mailman.eng.auburn.eduSubject: Veritas-bu SSI port setting for ACSLS configuration of SL500robot while using robtestHiyas,I am trying to get some ACSLS stuff going with my current backupsystem. I have ACSLS installed, and what I think to be configured. I can'trun an inventory on the robot as it complains that 'Cannot connect torobotic software daemon (49)'. Now I thought ok maybe I'll try robtest andget a better error. While I ran robtest it said:START PASTE11-28-05 14:16:17 ACSTEST0:clipcwrite: Sending message to socket 13741 failed on 'Connection refused'11-28-05 14:16:37 ACSTEST0:clinform: Sending message to socket 13741 failed on 'Connection refused'11-28-05 14:16:47 ACSTEST0:acsipcwrite: FATALERROR!

Clipcwrite failed.11-28-05 14:16:57 ACSTEST0:acsipcwrite: FATALERROR! Clipcwrite failed.acsqueryserver failedUnable to query server somehost1, ACS status = 54, STATUSIPCFAILURERobotic test utility /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/acstest returned abormal exitstatus (1).END PASTEoutput from ps:START PASTEps -ef grep -i acsacsss 6170 5854 0 14:09:52? 0:00 acslh 5854 50002 13 0acsss 6169 5854 0 14:09:49?

0:00 acslm 5854 50003 14 0 2 2root 1351 1 0 13:42:01? 0:00 /usr/bin/sh/data/acsls/ACSNMP/AcslsReStartAgentroot 1202 1 0 13:41:54? 0:01/data/acsls/ACSNMP/Acsls/ssi 1200 60003 23acsss 6165 5854 0 14:09:46?

Netbackup cannot connect to robotic software daemon windows 7

Error Cannot Connect To Daemon

0:00 acssa 5854 50004 23 0acsss 5854 1 0 14:09:36? 0:00 acsssdaemonacsss 6172 5854 0 14:09:58? 0:00 acssv 5854 50008 39 0acsss 5856 5854 0 14:09:36? 0:00 acsel 5854 50001 9 0acsss 6171 5854 0 14:09:55? 0:00 acslock 5854 50007 37 0acsss 6949 5854 0 14:10:25?

Netbackup Cannot Connect To Robotic Software Daemon Windows 10

0:00 csi 5854 0 6 0acsss 6913 5854 0 14:10:10? 0:00 acsmon 5854 50013 78 0acsss 5230 3359 0 14:08:49 pts/3 0:00 bashroot 7024 1 0 14:12:31? 0:00/data/acsls/ACSNMP/AcslsAgtd -k -p 23002acsss 6920 5854 0 14:10:22?

Netbackup Cannot Connect To Robotic Software Daemon Windows 7

0:00 acsqy 5854 50201 20 0acsss 6908 5854 0 14:10:07? 0:00 acsdisp 5854 50014 74 0root 8973 3324 0 14:37:10 pts/2 0:00 grep -i acsacsss 3359 3345 0 13:52:38 pts/3 0:00 /usr/bin/kshacsss 6915 5854 0 14:10:16? 0:00 acsmt 5854 50101 40 0acsss 6907 5854 0 14:10:04? 0:00 acscr 5854 50030 66 0acsss 6914 5854 0 14:10:13? 0:00 acsmt 5854 50100 40 0acsss 6919 5854 0 14:10:19? 0:00 acsqy 5854 50200 20 0acsss 6946 6170 0 14:10:24?

0:00 scsilhacsss 6947 6946 0 14:10:24? 0:00/data/acsls/ACSSS/bin/scsiDP /dev/mchanger3 0 0 false trueacsss 6508 5854 0 14:10:01?