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Hp Officejet 6500a Printer Drivers For Mac

I have a MAC Book Pro running MAC OS X Sierra 10.12.1 My hard drive crashed and I had it replaced. HP utility had been working. After restoring from a Time Machine Backup HP Utility no longer works. I tried to install from the original disk but it says it is an unsupported OS. Since the utility worked before the hard drive crash I would like to reinstall it. I did install the print driver but I could not find HP Utility on your web site. I need to set it up to print PDF files to a disk.

HP Officejet 6500A drivers are tiny programs that enable your All-in-One Printer hardware to communicate with your operating system software.

Any suggestions? Hi!, Thanks for stopping by HP forums! I understand that HP Utility on MAC is not working. Please try few steps recommended below. Step one: Try alternate printing methods Open any other PDF file. If you do not have another PDF file, download this test PDF (TestPDFfile.pdf).

On the new PDF file, click File, and then click Print, or click the Print icon. The Print window opens. Click OK to begin the print job.

If the other PDF file prints correctly, the original PDF might be damaged. Discontinue the steps in this procedure and skip to the next solution in this document. If the other PDF file does not print, continue with these steps. Open any other file in another program, such as Microsoft Word or Notepad, and then print that file. If the Microsoft Word or Notepad file prints correctly, the issue is specific to the Adobe file. Discontinue the steps in this procedure and skip to the next solution in this document. If the Microsoft Word or Notepad file does not print, continue with the steps in this document.

Refer this to further troubleshoot printing PDF issues. Let me know if it works! Have a great day ahead!:). Your solution did not work and did not deal with the problem. I did resolve the problem as follows. The problem was not with printing but with the setup utility. Before the hard drive crash I had told HP Utility to the MAC DOCK to keep HP Utility in the dock.


After the crash the HP Utility icon on the dock no longer worked, even after reinstalling the printer. The HP Utility was not in the Applications folder and a search of your support/forums did not address the issue and did not really give much information regarding HP Utility. This morning, after reading your responce I decided to do the following and found the solution.

System Preferences 2. Printers & Scanners 3.

Double Clicked on the 'Officeject 6500 E710n. Fax (or Click on Open Fax Queue) NOTE - HP Utility is ONLY available for the installed Fax - It is NOT available in selecting the HP Printer 4. From the pop up window for the fax Queue Click Settings 5. Click on the Utility Tab 6.

Click Open Printer Utility (This is ONLY available if you had selected the Fax and not available from selecting the printer's Print Queue). On The Dock - Right Click on the HP Utility Icon, Mouse Over 'Options', Select 'Keep on Dock' 8. Now you should be able to access the HP Utility anytime from the Dock. I have a related problem. Tried this solution (use the FAX definition in 'Printer & Scanners' to start HP Utility). I can print and scan OK, and I can launch the utility from the dock or above procedure. However Utility can't connect to the printer (both attached with Ethernet to router).

HP Utility is in a loop trying to connect. Above process did create an error message in the last step after launching HP Utility - 'Communication failure'. If I launch Utility from the Dock which accesses the printer component, I get the same problem.

Hp Officejet 6500a Printer Drivers For Mac Windows 10

I've rebooted the Mac and restarted the printer - print & scan A-OK, but I need the Utility to do Clean Print Heads. Mac @ 10.10.5 HP S/W at 5.17.1 Here's Mac console of one of the looping events (every 10 sec). No idea what it means: 3/19/17 12:41:54.993 PM TOCGenerator2306: WARNING: The Gestalt selector gestaltSystemVersion is returning 10.9.5 instead of 10.10.5. Use NSProcessInfo's operatingSystemVersion property to get correct system version number. Let me take a moment to thank you for posting on the HP Support Forums. I understand that you have an HP Officejet 6500A Plus e-All-in-One Printer and the HP Utility does not work and gives a 'Communication failure' message.

The printer is able to print and scan though. I read that you're using Mac 10.10.5. I appreciate the steps you have performed and have certainly done a good job. I did some research and found that the full featured drivers/software are not available for Mac 10.10.5. Therefore it could be that the HP Utility was for an older version for Mac and therefore is not compatible with Mac 10.10.5. There are other options to clean the printhead.

We can clean the print head from the printer front panel and also from the printer's EWS page (Embedded Web Server). To clean the printhead from the front panel menu, please follow the below steps:. On the home screen of the printer control panel, touch the Right Arrow ( ) to display the second navigation screen. Touch the Setup icon ( ). The Setup Menu displays. Touch the Down Arrow ( ), and then touch Tools.

Touch Clean Printhead. The printer cleans the printhead, and then prints out a test page.

Evaluate the test page for print quality. If the print quality on the test page is satisfactory, touch No to return to the current print job.

If the print quality on the test page is not satisfactory, touch Yes to perform a secondary cleaning of the printhead. NOTE: There are three printhead cleaning stages. Complete all three stages if necessary.

If the printhead is badly clogged, it might require another cleaning cycle. If so, wait 30 minutes after the third cleaning cycle to start the first stage of the cleaning process over again. Another way to clean the printhead is through the printer's EWS page. To do this please follow the below steps:.

Use the printer's front panel menu. Go to Setup Menu.

Select Network. View Network Summary. View Wireless (if the printer is connected wirelessly). This will display the printer's IP address on the printer screen.

Hp Officejet 6500a Printer Drivers For Mac Pro

View Wired (if the printer is connected via ethernet). This will display the printer's IP address on the printer screen. Type the printer's IP address into the web browser's URL address box and hit enter. This will open the printer's EWS page and from there you can search fro an option to clean the printhead. Hope this information helps.

Let me know if you have any questions. MKazi and JimmyG2, you're both mostly correct. Your ideas of going to TOOLS on the printer's menu is what allowed me to run Clean Printheads. KUDOs to both and profuse thanks!

Troubleshooting Hp Officejet 6500a Pri…

My printer is a C390a and menu nagagation is a bit different but in general MKazi's sequence works except on my box there's a SETUP button to get to the TOOLS option. It should be noted that I believe (can't prove it, I don't record this perennial problem's dates) that I've been in the HP utility before on my level of Mac OS. The good news: the printer now works A-OK after the cartridge carrier 'cook for 10 minutes' fix. Always have to run Clean Printheads after this process. Wife says buy a new one, but this one prints on DVDs and CDs which I use a lot.